La Consolacion



Dean, College of Arts, Sciences and Education


The College of Arts, Sciences and Education of the La Consolacion University Philippines envisions itself to be a provider of quality and academically excellent programs leading to a degree in the field of Arts , Science,s and Education with key areas of intellectual inquiry in natural and social sciences, mathematics, arts, humanities, languages and religious education.

Through innovative and 21st century instruction, exemplary research and extension services, the College aspires to nurture well-rounded, value-oriented, proactive, and globally competent graduates who are developed as socially responsible Catholic-Augustinian-Marian leaders and educators effecting relevant change in the 21st century work place.


As part of the leading academic Catholic university, the College of Arts, Sciences and Education of La Consolacion University Philippines endeavors to:

1. Provide programs and services par excellence recognized by international standards of leading educational institutions;
2. Earn recognition as home to globally competent, value-oriented graduates in various fields of endeavor in the natural and social sciences, mathematics, arts, humanities, languages and religious education,
3. Develop relevant skills on effective communication, critical thinking, systematic and synergized decision-making;
4. Inculcate Catholic-Augustinian-Marian values in adherence to lifelong learning and compassionate service to the less privileged brethren in the community; and
5. Transcend a culture of responsible freedom, interest for common good, respect for diversity and human dignity, and service to mankind.

GOALS on the areas of Arts, Science

1. Demonstrate functional knowledge and skills in the fields of arts and sciences
2. Manifest critical thinking , effective communication skills and high degree of professional ethics and integrity
3. Practice research consciousness in dealing with educational issues and concerns
4. Manifest Filipino Catholic Augustinian- Marian culture of commitment to charity, action, contemplation and bias towards the service of the church to the poor and the promotion of the thrusts of Transformative Education

GOALS on the area of Education

1. Develop teachers with functional understanding of the foundations of education philosophical, psychological, sociological and humanities and integrity of the profession.
2. Become catalyst of change and development in schools and the larger community.
3. Practice research consciousness in dealing with educational issues and concerns.
4. Manifest Filipino Catholic- Augustinian- Marian culture of commitment to charity, action, contemplation and bias towards the service of the church to the poor and the promotion of the thrusts of Transformative Education.


Dean's Office : (044) 931-8645 local 145

La Consolacion University Philippines